Drug and alcohol use on school grounds is a serious issue that requires a comprehensive policy to ensure the safety of students, staff, and the community. In Dulles, Virginia, the school board has taken steps to address this issue by establishing guidelines and model policies for student codes of conduct. These policies include prohibitions against hazing, profane or obscene language or behavior, bullying, and possession of tobacco products or nicotine vapor. Additionally, the school board has established criteria for the expulsion of a student from a class, the use of suspension, expulsion and exclusion as disciplinary measures, and instruction on drugs and drug abuse in the health education program.
The principal of each public school in Dulles is responsible for collecting and maintaining information about events that occur on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity. This information must be reported semiannually to the division superintendent on the dates set by the superintendent. Furthermore, the student code of conduct includes the prohibition of possessing any tobacco product or nicotine vapor on a school bus, on school property, or at an activity sponsored by or outside the school.
Suspension, Expulsion and Exclusion Decisions
The school board's regulations on student codes of conduct include procedures for suspension, expulsion and exclusion decisions. The Board of Education has also established guidelines and developed model policies for student codes of conduct to help local school boards implement those policies.The principal or his designee is required to notify the parents of any student involved in an alleged incident of harassment within 24 hours of learning of the complaint of harassment.